Francesco Maria Saettone    

Postdoctoral Fellow at Weizmann Institute of Science

PhD from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (expected PhD 2024)
(advisor: Daniel Disegni).

Email: saettone [at]


I am interested in the arithmetic of algebraic varieties and some related analytic objects. In particular, my research focuses on Shimura curves.

My thesis consists of a preliminary version of [7] and [8] below.

Papers and preprints
(Please note that the version here proposed may somehow differ from the journal version.)

[8] Equidistribution of CM points on Shimura curves and ternary quadratic forms. [pdf]
Preliminary Draft.

[7] Equidistribution of CM points on Shimura curves modulo a ramified prime. [Arxiv]

[6] Polylogarithmic motivic Chabauty-Kim for P^1 \ {0, 1, ∞}: the geometric step via resultants, (with David Jarossay, David T.-B. G. Lilienfeldt, Ariel Weiss, Sa'ar Zehavi) [Arxiv]

[5] On the fundamental groups of surfaces parametrizing cuboids, (with David Jarossay, Yotam Svoray) [Arxiv]

[4] Heights and transcendence of p-adic continued fractions, (with Ignazio Longhi, Nadir Murru) [Arxiv]
Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata (2024).

[3] A profinite theory of distribution: towards the Bateman-Horn conjecture, (with Ignazio Longhi, Luca Demangos) [pdf]
Preliminary Draft.

[2] Coset topologies on Z and arithmetic applications, (with Ignazio Longhi, Yunzhu Mu) [Arxiv]
Expo. Math. 41, No. 1, 71-114 (2023).

[1] A novel RSA-like cryptosystem based on a generalization of the Redei rational functions, (with Nadir Murru) [pdf]
Kaczorowski, Jerzy (ed.) et al., Number-theoretic methods in cryptology. First international conference, NuTMiC 2017, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-13, 2017. Revised selected papers. Cham: Springer. Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 10737, 91-103 (2018).


p-adic heights and p-adic L-functions (2023-2024)